To order

Create an accout
Why should I create an account? Of course you do not have to create an account. However, if you do, you will take advantage from quite a few benefits. No longer enter your details with every order. Always an overview of your outstanding orders. ...
Forgot your password?
Have you forgotten your Sportimex account password? Click on the ‘Login’ button at the top right of the page. You will then see the link ‘Forgot your password?’ under the entry fields. Click on this, enter your e-mail address and press ‘Reset my password...
Stock status
On the product page you will find the current stock status of the product in our warehouse. The order button indicates whether or not the item is in stock. In stock The product is in stock in our store. You can order it directly online...
Place an order
Ordering from Sportimex is quick and easy. Our ordering process consists of 4 clear steps. Step 1: Place the desired item in the shopping basket Go to the item you want to order and select the desired quantity if necessary. Then click...